Onehot is a community for people passionate about data science. We are centered in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
We want to build an inclusive community where everyone is welcome to share and learn. Whether you are a practicioner or student, analyst or engineer; please feel free to join us in this endeavour!
Currently we are organising a series of five meet-ups. Our dream is to organise a full-fledged conference one day.
The name of our community is a reference to one-hot encoding.
Get in touch
Please reach out to us if you have questions or suggestions, would like to speak at one of our events, or are willing to sponsor us. Same goes if you just want to say hi: we love hearing from you!

Alma Liezenga
Alma is a master's student of Engineering & Policy Analysis at TU Delft. She did her bachelor in information sciences with a minor in AI in Utrecht, where she wrote her thesis on automated analysis of breast MRI. She is passionate about imaging, AI and public policy.

Rob de Wit
Rob likes using data as a tool to explain the world and improve upon it. He currently works as a data analyst in the fraud and risk team at bol.com where he gets to combat crooks. His favourite colour is #F72585.

Laurens Duijvesteijn
Laurens is obsessed with developer tools/experience, and enjoys scaling infrastructure. He used to lead the DevOps team at Channable and is now helping Iterative build tools for ML / AI projects.

Bianca Beerepoot
Bianca has always been passionate about everything that has to do with data. Currently, she works at First Technology as a developer, where she analyzes and optimizes processes for clients. In her eyes, a project is only a success when the user experience is perfect.

Kristi Bergman
Kristi loves to get creative with data. She recently obtained her master's degree in Human Computer Interaction. From September onwards, she will be teaching a first year course in the bachelor Information Sciences at the University of Utrecht.